Comprenne qui pourra : 1 formule que l'on utilise à propos d'un sujet délicat, lorsqu'on ne veut (ou ne peut) s'expliquer davantage ; 2 formule élitiste placée en fin de phrase pour signifier aux lecteurs que seul un petit nombre d'initiés dotés d'une pénétration hors du commun sera capable, de par la nature sibylline du message, de comprendre celui-ci. — « Il y a, en effet, des eunuques qui sont nés ainsi du sein de leur mère, il y a des eunuques qui le sont devenus par l'action des hommes, et il y a des eunuques qui se sont eux-mêmes rendus tels à cause du Royaume des Cieux. Comprenne qui pourra ! » (Matthieu, 19:12) ; « Le canari restera un canari ; le pigeon voyageur, un pigeon voyageur ! Comprenne qui pourra. » (Hector-Antonin Serin, Le canari dans tous ses états : recueil d'aphorismes aviaires, vol. II, 1921.)
« My father was a rocket man.
He often went to Jupiter or Mercury, to Venus or to Mars.
My mother and I
Would watch the sky
And wonder if a falling star
Was a ship becoming ashes with a rocket man inside.
My mother and I
Never went out
Unless the sky was cloudy or the sun was blotted out,
Or to escape the pain,
We only went out when it rained.
My father was a rocket man.
He loved the world beyond the world,
The sky beyond the sky,
And on my mother's face,
As lonely as the world in space,
I could read the silent cry
That if my father fell into a star,
We must not look upon that star again.
My mother and I
Never went out
Unless the sky was cloudy or the sun was blotted out,
Or to escape the pain,
We only went out when it rained.
Tears are often jewel-like.
My mother's went unnoticed by my father for his jewels were the stars,
And in my father's eyes,
I knew he had to find
In the sanctity of distance
Something brighter than a star.
One day they told us
The sun had flared and taken him inside.
My mother and I
Never went out
Unless the sky was cloudy or the sun was blotted out,
Or to escape the pain,
We only went out when it rained. »